International Women's Day | Inspiring Inclusion

Today is International Women’s Day and this year’s theme is inspiring inclusion. 

At CreateFuture, we strongly believe in inclusivity in the workplace, where everyone has a voice, which is listened to and met by an empathetic ear. 

There’s a tonne of evidence which proves that valuing the strength of individuals builds stronger teams. Teams where everyone has the opportunity to develop their career. Teams that are happier and healthier.
Which ultimately brings commercial benefits. 

I plan to inspire Inclusion in 3 ways; 

  • By making people feel uncomfortable. By calling out behaviour and situations doesn’t promote inclusion. Even if it makes me uncomfortable or disadvantages me by doing so. It’s important. 

  • Role modelling inclusive behaviour. From ensuring everyone has equal share of voice in meetings, my personal interactions with colleagues to designing inclusive people policies.  Both the big  and the small stuff matters.

  • Putting in the effort. An inclusive environment doesn’t come easily. It requires constant effort, often more effort. An example is recruitment. It’s not just about hiring ‘the best candidate’, it’s about putting in the extra effort to make sure there’s a diverse range of candidates to choose from in the first place. 

That’s my pledge, now hear how the rest of the team feels about inclusion:


A world where all experiences and voices combine to create a better future.

By mentoring and supporting the creative talent of women in our industry.


Inclusion for me is about seeing and accepting everyone as they are.  No labels just individuals.  No preconceptions, no judgement. It's about creating connections, understanding, and a sense of belonging for everyone.

In my role at CF as People Lead I can inspire inclusion by leading by example in building a workplace where everyone feels they can be themselves.  Treating everyone with respect, celebrating diversity, creating a safe space for open dialogue, and fostering an environment where every voice is valued and respected.


Using my privilege to raise people up. I believe that leading is a champion of others. Plans to inspire inclusion this year include the organisation of a couple of events for women in creative who are on a mission to improve gender equality in the creative industries.


It's a phrase I use all the time 'Everyone, All Together, Early On.'


Inclusion to me means recognising and celebrating the unique strengths and perspectives that each individual brings whether that be at work, at home, in society, in a relationship, it is applicable everywhere. And this is where I believe it is vital to collectively come together to create welcoming and acceptable environments where everyone feels valued, respected and empowered. 

So I’m planning to inspire inclusion and show my solidarity by encouraging open and honest conversations and speaking up at times where I know it will make me feel quite uncomfortable. Continue to educate myself and share these learnings with those around me as well as making a real effort to unlearn the unhealthy societal norms that are ingrained in us all, and finally, to actively build up the women around me by sharing their unique strengths and making sure they know how great they are.


Inclusion for me is openness - being able to be your authentic self and work in an environment where everyone is encouraged to be themselves.

Inspiring inclusion. Being open about my own journey and creating a space where people feel empowered to speak up.


Inclusion for me is encouraging empathy for each other. Caring for our community and empowering each individual's thoughts.

Jessica Mullen